Rose Gold

Rose Gold

In Development

Rose Gold

Rose Gold


This film has been 14 years in the making and explores the club scene within the Northwest of England, outdoor summer raves, infamous illegal raves, held within disused warehouses, ending with the film’s finale at London’s famous SHOOM.


Struggling at school, working jobs beyond her 15 years, and forced to take over parental duties to make some form of life for herself, her younger brother and a Mum crippled by debilitating Multiple Sclerosis in the early 90's Manchester, Rose chances upon an encounter with club DJ Ian and her close syndicate of free-spirited souls. Seeking an outlet to lift her from the doldrums of the despair at home, and under the mentorship of Ian et al, set to a banging mid 90's House Music soundtrack, Rose starts embarking on her own odyssey of personal growth, impending adulthood, and an endeavour of hope.

The Soul of Rose Gold

This is a story of a young girl coming of age, at a unique moment in history, which revolutionised, influenced, and defined so many lives. I've been passionately wanting to make something special like this for twelve years. Documenting history is important, especially when it's something as seminal and inspirational as this subculture. Subcultures are what define us artistically and creatively as a country as they're outside of governmental control, albeit briefly. But it's those brief moments when we are left alone to create something wonderful happens and unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more difficult to define ourselves as the ideological and repressive state apparatus confine us. Street culture, art, film, music and fashion, seem to be the leading beacons of recognition, of which, there are many, but none have changed those as much as the rave/acid house scene have. To be able to re-create and celebrate this cultural milestone in the country’s history, that meant so much to a generation, fills me with utter excitement, along with a huge sense of responsibility with this opportunity to relive a very special time in our lives when club culture was exploding, it was exciting, it had an edge.

Rose Gold is an inspiring tale of one woman’s pursuit of a passion…house music. The series highlights making hard choices, losing those close to you, sacrifices, fighting for what you believe in and not excepting to simply exist in the world. Rose has nothing, but is rich in youth, belief, verve and an absolute desire to succeed, as her journey is dramatically diverted towards success, in a way not even she could have imagined.

This is a story about people and for the people. The film is filled with inspiration, moments of magic, pure joy and inspiration that a young woman, coming of age, at a time where Rose only wanted to find relief for her mum’s pain through the unexpected world of cannabis. Through this exploration, Rose finds personal relief from her own anguish through the unexpected worlds of friendship, music, ecstasy, and freedom. I’ve lived this story; this is a real story, a life affirming story for the people in a period when it’s needed most. See you on the other side!